We believe that American oil and natural gas provide opportunity for a bright future, one filled with technology, innovation and prosperity for both today and tomorrow. We are a producer of 100 percent domestic resources and more importantly, a key part of the near term and longer term solution for a cleaner tomorrow.
Ironhead Resources is committed to producing domestic assets with an impeccable safety and environmental record.
% hydrocarbons that are flared: 0
Process emissions: 0
% fresh water withdrawn or consumed from high/extremely high water stress areas: 0
% flowback water discharged or injected: 0
% produced and flowback water recycled: 100+
% of wells for which all frac fluid chemicals are disclosed: 100
# of hydrocarbon spills: 0
% of proved reserves near protected conservation or endangered species sites: 0
% of proved reserves near areas of conflict or indigenous land: 0
% proved reserves in countries with worst rankings on Transparency International’s corruption perception index: 0